Matrix Communication Office Apps Pricing
You can get Matrix Communications Office Apps as a standalone service or bundled with our Office in the Cloud suite.
Get increasing discounts when you add it to a plan! Look below for Office Apps pricing, including plans, bundles and standalone service.
Incremental price for Matrix Communications Office Apps in addition to purchased bundle (if any)
Every Office in the Cloud plan offers a bundle of essential IT services to match various business needs.
Get Matrix Communications Office Apps as a standalone service.
You can buy Matrix Communications Office Apps, even if you’re not a current Matrix Communications customer.
Office Apps pricing:
$10.99 per user/month
ProPlus for advanced capabilities
For Microsoft Access or to install Office Apps on shared computers using Remote Desktop Services (RDS), use Office Apps ProPlus.
Matrix Communications Office Apps is one of 20+ essential business applications that are integrated into Matrix Communications’s Office in the Cloud. With a single control panel, your cloud is easier to use and more efficient to manage. Plus there’s just one bill, one password and one support team. See what’s inside our Office in the Cloud.